Order On Motion for Sibling Placement or Contact. I am trying to file a writ of habeas corpus for my brother that is incarcerated in wayne county jail.I need help filling it out. Has not filed with the district court a petition for a writ of habeas corpus because the circuit court prohibited such a filing. Pet. If you want a file-stamped copy of the petition, you must enclose an additional copy of the petition and ask the court to file-stamp it and return it to you. 8. First, a U.S.C. § 2254 allows us to file a petition for Habeas Corpus when the client is in custody under sentence of a state court and is in a state prison. If you want a file-stamped copy of the petition, you must enclose an additional copy of the petition and ask the court to file-stamp it and return it to you. To get a writ of habeas corpus, you must file a petition for a civil (not criminal) proceeding in either state or federal court. Dismissal in a habeas corpus action is not a strike. Section 46-22-101(1), MCA.