If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Jury Management at 412-350-5336 from a.m. How much will I be paid and how will I receive payment for my jury service?This statement can also be used as verification of your days of jury service and the amount of jury pay that you received. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. For information regarding jury service please contact the Jury Commissioner at 301-268-3227, 30 Washington Street, Cumberland MD 21502. Information regarding jury duty and Centre County's Jury Commissioners, who administer the criminal and civil jury selection process. History of Jury Duty. Summoned for jury duty? It is against the law for an employer to fire or demote an employee because he or she served as a juror or grand juror. CIVIL DIVISION-JUROR QUESTIONNAIRE.