If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Jury Management at 412-350-5336 from a.m. You show up at 830 and fill out a questionnaire form which takes about 10 minutes.Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. How much will I be paid and how will I receive payment for my jury service? Information regarding jury duty and Centre County's Jury Commissioners, who administer the criminal and civil jury selection process. Welcome to Jury Service. Maryland's jury selection law provides that jurors are selected at random from a fair cross section of citizens residing in the County where the Court convenes. Notice to Potential Jurors: A potential juror is someone who has received a "Summons for Jury Service" in the mail. Jurors can now present their jury summons at the Museum of South Texas History (MOST) for a discounted admission fee. Your employer is under no obligation to pay you while you are on jury duty, although many employers do.