State law does not require employers to compensate employees who are absent because of jury service. Every employee in the State of California is entitled to take unpaid time off from work for jury duty and compliance with a subpoena.Your job is legally protected while serving on jury duty, but your employer is not obligated to pay you for time missed. Does my employer have to pay me while I serve on jury duty? Location: Los Angeles. Depending on your state, you may not be required to pay, but you might be required to allow an employee to take time off. The Jury Duty Process. The company provides leave to eligible employees who are called to serve as jurors or who are summoned to appear as witnesses in a judicial proceeding. Employees must reimburse to their agency fees paid for service as a juror or witness. Summary: Federal law doesn't require employers to provide employees leave, compensation, or benefits for jury dutyrelated absences.