Prospective jurors are paid fees and mileage beginning with their second day of service. You don't have to use any PTO for jury duty, you just fill out your timesheet however your HR wants but you get your full paycheck.Instead, please call our office at 657-622-7000. You will be required to make only one appearance in court for jury selections held that day, or serve for one trial (jury selection may take more than one day). My most recent experience with CA laws is that employers are to allow employees unpaid leave for jury duty. Enter your 9 digit juror identification number (JID No.) which is located on your summons in the juror badge area, displayed on the right in enlarged format. California law does not require employers to offer paid time off for jury service. You don't have to give back money for jury service. You don't get paid right away. CA has one dayone trial jury service, meaning you show up and get assigned to a case or you're done for year.