Failure to promptly report an injury on the work so may result in a denial or delay in your Worker's Compensation benefits. This manual for Facilities Management non-exempt staff is designed to help you become familiar with the policies, practices and benefits at Clark University.Funds provided from the account to replace any individual employee will ordinarily not be less than four days' salary and benefits for a single occurrence. Complete details on these procedures may be obtained in the Human Resources. Department. 1.7. Employers with 100 or more domestic workers must provide up to 56 hours of paid leave each calendar year. If you are an eligible employee between the ages of 18 - 69 as described in one of the groups below, please complete and submit this Enrollment Form. Complete every two years. Jury or court can be misled, and this could lead to wrongful conviction or exoneration. If juries lose confidence in the reliability of forensic testimony,. You pay taxes on your employees' gross (before tax) wages, up to the taxable wage base.