Texas law does not currently require that jury duty leave be paid, except for those who are salaried exempt employees (see below). However, you will not be paid if you appear and are excused.The eResponse system allows jurors to submit exemptions, disqualifications, reschedule your jury date or confirm your service for an online court assignment. (Texas Gov't Code § 62.0141. Failure to Answer Jury Summons.) 4. Must my employer pay me while I'm on jury service? It's not usually the full amount you would be paid if you had worked. Tarrant County offers two options to answer your jury summons: report in person at the date and time listed on the summons or register online through eResponse. Tarrant County offers two options to answer your jury summons: report in person at the date and time listed on the summons or register online through eResponse. If you have received a jury summons you must pre-register below.