If you are contacted, please call the Jury Commissioner's office at 925-608-1000. Videos. Answering the Call for Jury Service.There really needs to be a change in how much people get paid for things like jury duty. The only other way out (other than to renounce your citizenship, which you apparently don't want to pay forward for anyway) is simply to die. Call and see if you were one of the groups that was excused. If not they can reschedule you vs waiting for that bench warrant for your arrest. Your job is legally protected while serving on jury duty, but your employer is not obligated to pay you for time missed. (1) Person over 75 years of age. (2) Persons who served as a petit or grand juror or appeared in court in response to a jury summons within the last year. Nearly every employer I've ever had would pay me my wages while I was on jury duty, as long as I signed over my jury duty "wages" check to them.