Employers with 100 or more domestic workers must provide up to 56 hours of paid leave each calendar year. It is an illegal penalty to force an employee to charge jury duty absence against vacation, personal or sick time.Your job is legally protected while serving on jury duty, but your employer is not obligated to pay you for time missed. Employers with 10 or fewer employees can withhold pay of an employee out for jury duty. An employee is entitled to paid time off without charge to leave for service as a juror or witness. Summary: Federal law doesn't require employers to provide employees leave, compensation, or benefits for jury dutyrelated absences. If you're impaneled on a jury, you should always let your employer know and give your employer an estimate of how long you expect your term of service to last. Such movement shall not set a new anniversary date. 2.8. While the compensation for jury service is very minimal, many employers choose to pay their employees when they are called to serve on juries. The publications discuss fringe benefits that are not included in income and say everything else is not excluded.