Courts may call on local residents to serve as jurors for a trial. Jury service is a civic responsibility and legal obligation for all citizens.You have the right to be paid for your service. Must my employer pay me while I'm on jury service? Complete this form and bring or mail to the Clerk's Office prior to your date to appear. Please mail written request, a MONEY ORDER (no cash), and a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE to: Athens-Clarke Clerk of Court, P.O. Box 1805, Athens, GA 30603. You will fill out a jury questionnaire and receive an ID tag to insure that YOU are indeed the person called. Are Jurors Paid And How Long Will I Have To Serve? If you have been summoned for jury service, please click the Juror Questionnaire button below and fill out the questionnaire. The upper age limit for serving on a jury also can depend on your state.