Payments are processed at the end of your final day of service. Jurors will report first to the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Jury Commission.Received a dreaded jury duty notification moments ago. Of course, their website is down. The Cuyahoga County Jury Commission Court of Common Pleas requires a minimum fiveday availability to serve. You must complete the certificate of mileage for payment. The court of common pleas or the commissioners of jurors shall not excuse a person who is liable to serve as a juror and who is drawn and notified. (3) Felonies of the third degree without life sentences: (a) Service as trial counsel in at least one criminal jury trial and service as assistant trial counsel. Cuyahoga Heights Village Hall is located at 4863 East 71st Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125. The upper age limit for serving on a jury also can depend on your state.