1200 Ontario, 4th floor. With the new system in place, the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Jury Commission summons the City of Cleveland jurors.Anyone out there had jury duty for Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. Received a dreaded jury duty notification moments ago. The jury questionnaire can be completed using the form received in the mail or using the new online version (not both). The Cuyahoga County Jury Commission Court of Common Pleas requires a minimum fiveday availability to serve. Present. Judge Brendan J. Sheehan is currently serving a second, twoyear term as the Court's Administrative and Presiding Judge. The work of the Appeals Unit focuses primarily on the postconviction stage of felony litigation in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. You must complete the certificate of mileage for payment. When summoned for Jury Duty, each perspective juror will receive a juror questionnaire.