People who are summoned for jury duty are eligible to receive nominal compensation for each day, including jury selection. The reimbursement is for expenses you incur while serving as a juror.You have rights with jury duty: You have the right to be paid for your service. There are many requirements in order to be considered for the program. First, you must not have been convicted of a felony in not just Georgia, but any state. This Code section formerly pertained to exemptions from jury duty in counties which have established a plan for electronic or mechanical selection of jurors. Set-aside relieves collateral consequences, and restores firearms rights for non-serious felonies, but conviction must be disclosed and serves as a predicate. A jury trial is a trial where jurors decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. - No cases have been found wherein the jury had been authorized to impose the sentence in a noncapital felony case under this section. If you have been convicted of a felony and your civil rights have not been restored, you are not eligible for jury service at this time.