People who are summoned for jury duty are eligible to receive nominal compensation for each day, including jury selection. You have rights with jury duty: You have the right to be paid for your service.How much do you pay for jury duty? It'd be find it it were one day, but I'm likely going to miss out on an entire week of pay (about 2,500 USD) for the time I spend on this jury. If you have been summoned for jury service, please click the Juror Questionnaire button below and fill out the questionnaire. Complete the form included with your summons. You will receive jury pay for the days you are requested to physically attend jury duty. Then the goverment will pay you an allowance after that. There is a form, usually explained in the summons, to fill out. If you can persuade the judge that you cannot afford to miss work, you'll have lost only one day of your time.