If you have received a jury summons you must pre-register below. Texas law does not currently require that jury duty leave be paid, except for those who are salaried exempt employees (see below).I have a job with benefits. I understand that there are employers out there that provide paid time off during jury duty. Do I get reimbursed if I pay for jury service: Yes, but not for the full wages. Under the general common law, an employer must pay an employee according to the wage agreement that was in effect when the work was performed. Marilyn Burgess, Harris County District Clerk, 201 Caroline, Suite 420 Houston, TX 77002, (832) 927-5800 Like every other state, federal law dictates that employees must be given unpaid time off to perform their civil duty as jury members in Texas. Employees must reimburse to their agency fees paid for service as a juror or witness. The request for jury duty should be made on a leave request form and submitted to the employee's supervisor prior to the time the leave is needed.