If you're impaneled on a jury, you should always let your employer know and give your employer an estimate of how long you expect your term of service to last. From creating a jury duty policy to handling employee absences, here is our experts´advice on how to prepare for when an employee is called to serve.Juror pay used to be so low it was almost worse than nothing, and even that pittance only showed up a month or two after the jury duty ended. The foreman didn't write a note to the judge with their verdict information. If you are called for jury duty, you will be paid your regular wages for the first three days of jury service. Federal law doesn't require employers to provide employees leave, compensation, or benefits for jury dutyrelated absences. Information you'll need. The amount of jury duty pay you received; The amount, if any, of jury duty pay you turned over to your employer. Most Massachusetts employees are eligible for up to 26 weeks of combined family and medical leave per benefit year. Massachusetts requires employers to pay only for the first three days of jury duty, after which the court takes over payment.