In Mecklenburg County, citizens who are summoned for jury service may access the interactive juror website at Qualified jurors must be 18 years old, resident of Florida and Charlotte County and possess a valid driver's license or identification card.You will need your juror participant number, found at the top of your summons to the right of the bar code. Most trials will only be a couple to a few days. You'll sit in the box and listen to all of the arguments, then get jury instructions from the judge. Think twice before excusing yourself from jury duty and missing out on one of the best facilities for jurors in the state. It also provides jurors access to their payment almost immediately upon completing their service. OCIS 2.0 shall not be used in a manner contrary to or in violation of any applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, or regulation. They also seek higher pay for the longestserving ski patrollers. The current scale tops out after five years on the job.