The reimbursement is for expenses you incur while service as a juror. You may fill out an affidavit at the Clerk's office which will place your name on the list of those eligible for selection.Get to the building, park in the juror specific lot if need, and the brief starts at 8. Using the list below, you can access the available information from many of the Florida counties related to service as a juror in the Florida State Courts. Will I Lose My Job Or My Pay When I Have Jury Duty? If I served jury duty recently in the County or Circuit Court, will I be excused in Federal Court? If you have summoned to jury duty and have a question or would like to request an excusal, you should contact the jury manager in the county where you live. 79 votes, 134 comments. Jury compensation in Florida is a joke. Law Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: 231.39 F.S.. History: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA.