The information on this page is about juries in Michigan's state courts. However, you may also be called to serve on a federal jury.The general tax rule requires you to report all jury duty pay on the "other income" line of your Form 1040. You can take a tax deduction, which offsets taxable income, so you only pay taxes on the amount of money you didn't give back. They will give you another date and you report for jury duty. Please call the jury hotline number (800) 553-6050. The jury questionnaire can be completed using the form received in the mail or using the new online version (not both). Jury Contact Information: Jury Clerk: Phone: 586-574-4982. If you can persuade the judge that you cannot afford to miss work, you'll have lost only one day of your time. Jurors are not compensated, but employers must pay employees their regular wages and benefits.