Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. You go on your summon date, sit down, fill out the paperwork.Could anyone explain to me what to expect after getting a summons for jury duty? If you get called in, what happens then in the courthouse etc? Ignoring jury duty is a crime and moving out the state does not make the offense go away NY state could issue bench warrant for your arrest. You must be a United States citizen to be eligible to serve as a juror in New York State. Why have I received a jury questionnaire? New Yorkers receive letters in the mail every few years from their local commissioner of jurors summoning them to state court for jury duty. I received a summons to appear in court because I've ignored three jury questionnaires. Please contact the court that issued your summons directly to request any exemptions.