To complete the Juror Questionnaire, click on this link. If we determine you are qualified for jury service, a Summons for Jury Service will be emailed.Will I be paid for jury service? Those who refuse to complete the juror questionnaire or refuse to appear when called to serve are subject to fines and jail time for contempt of court. What you need to know about the jury duty process and what to do if you're selected. I got selected for jury section and have to call tomorrow to see if I need to go. Call the Jury clerk at 801-535-6430 between am – pm. If you have been selected, report to the Justice Courts Building at 333 South 200 East (2nd floor) What do I do if I receive a summons for jury duty that is three weeks late and my jury duty appearance date had already passed? Rarely do police go out and arrest people who fail to respond or appear.