However, you will not be paid if you appear and are excused. Texas law does not currently require that jury duty leave be paid, except for those who are salaried exempt employees (see below).You will need to enter your HC Number found on your summons or your Texas Driver's License number and your last name to begin the process. Will I Be Paid For Being A Juror? By fax: 512-854-4457; By mail: Jury Office, P.O. Box 679003, Austin, TX 78767-9003; In person: 5325 Airport Blvd. 936-539-7855 P.O. Box 2985. You must bring your jury summons and questionnaire with you when you report for jury duty. This includes overseeing the arrangement of a jury, the selection of names for a jury and the payment of jurors. No, but most employers pay their employees regular salaries during the employee's jury service. You must bring your completed jury summons with you when you report for jury duty.