Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons. You must mail in the completed form to us within 5 days.They don't qualify for jury duty if permanently out of state, so that is an unnecessary step, and obviously not happening! Will I get paid for being on a jury? Because of the federal law, you don't have to give jury duty pay unless your state laws say otherwise. The general tax rule requires you to report all jury duty pay on the "other income" line of your Form 1040. It's not usually the full amount you would be paid if you had worked. As a newcomer asked about how to be paid (since my job doesn't cover jury duty) and was told it could take up to a month for my check to come in the mail. This information is located on the summons. You may also write "Deceased" on the summons and return it to the Court via U.S. Mail.