Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Jury Service. Who May Be Called to Serve as a Juror?Does my employer have to pay me while I serve on jury duty? You will be required to make only one appearance in court for jury selections held that day, or serve for one trial (jury selection may take more than one day). Summary: Federal law doesn't require employers to provide employees leave, compensation, or benefits for jury dutyrelated absences. California employers aren't required to pay employees for lost wages due to jury duty; however, employees can use paid time off. Under California law, California employers are not obligated to compensate employees for time spent serving on jury duty. Juror Self-Check-In Now Available! My most recent experience with CA laws is that employers are to allow employees unpaid leave for jury duty. This juror site provides basic juror information on preparing for jury service and what to expect while serving, how to complete your jury summons.