The idea of claim subrogation is to obtain reimbursement for your losses quickly and to prevent you from recovering your damages more than once. To pursue a claim, use the Claims Form below and follow the instructions on the form.Our attorneys have successfully handled subrogation claims for a variety of insurers, both international and domestic, both pre-suit and in litigation. Subrogation occurs when your insurance company pays for an accident, then works to recoup expenses from the at-fault driver's insurer. Subrogation is an action available to insurance companies to prevent them from paying for losses it legally is not responsible for paying. A Subrogation Letter should clearly state the facts of the case, including details of the incident (e.g. Subrogation is a legal process that allows your car insurance company to recover money from the atfault party or their insurer. "One party takes on the rights of another. " In the case of a health insurance claim, these letters help us gather facts. Without car insurance, you wouldn't have an insurer to help recover money you spent for an accident you weren't responsible for.