Here is an example of a complaint for subrogation. The tone of a Subrogation Letter should be professional, firm, and clear, but not overly aggressive.The Plaintiff, above named, complaining of Defendants, above named, alleges and says as follows: 1. Court Records, Request Self Service Forms, Form Downloads, E-Filing, Contact Information, Central Courthouse, North Regional Courthouse. Customer: Hello, I recently received a subrogation claim in the mail for a car wreck I was at fault in last year. They say I owe 19,654.40. When filing a complaint, please explain your problem simply and concisely. How to fill out the Broward County EEO Complaint Form - Submit Your Case? 1. Gather personal and incident details. 2. Areas that other management firms simply have no experience or expertise such as human resource management, utility operations, asset management and risk.