The idea of claim subrogation is to obtain reimbursement for your losses quickly and to prevent you from recovering your damages more than once. Cozen O'Connor is the world's leading subrogation and recovery law firm.We founded our subrogation and recovery practice in 1970. Subrogation allows the paying party to step into the shoes of the injured person and get reimbursed from the responsible party. Subrogation is a common process in which your insurance company gives you money for your damages upfront, then goes up against the defendant for reimbursement. Subrogation is the process where your health insurance seeks to be reimbursed from the at fault party for the medical bills it paid on your behalf. State Farm will try, to the extent that you're not liable for the accident, to recover all or a portion of the deductible you paid. Workers' compensation subrogation in Texas has evolved in nearly as tumultuous a manner as the state itself, and is still evolving, but not for the better. First being a working definition of subrogation. Insurance subrogation issues arise as a result of a contract between the person who owns the health insurance and the injured party.