Declaratory judgment actions allow parties to a potential action to determine their rights and responsibilities before a lawsuit is filed. Please complete the COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT enclosed in this Packet and sign it in the presence of a Deputy Clerk or Notary Public.Any person seeking a declaratory judgment may also demand additional, alternative, coercive, subsequent, or supplemental relief in the same action. History.—s. This article provides a brief overview of actions for a declaratory judgment under Florida law. Please complete the COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT enclosed in this packet and sign it in the presence of a Deputy Clerk or Notary Public. Declaratory judgment actions are an exception to this rule and permit a party to seek a court judgment that defines the parties' rights before an injury occurs. As required under Florida Statutes, to plead a valid cause of action for declaratory relief. If you have legal questions, please consult with an attorney or legal aid. Step 2 — Fill out Forms. Below is a listing of declaratory statements.