You must first obtain the VIN number from the property and take to the Tax Collector's office who will run the VIN number through the computer. A declaratory judgment may be either affirmative or negative in form and effect; and shall have the force and effect of a final judgment or decree.I am the president of FRANKLIN ARMORY, INC, a Plaintiff in the above-named action, and I am authorized to make this verification on their behalves. The first is a declaratory relief complaint from Missouri. Use this for the proper format for your complaint (the way to format your paper). Defendant has filed a Motion for Declaratory Judgment on the Pleadings. • Complete the California Dealer's Record of Sale (DROS) form;. Balfour's motion for judgment in the pleadings. Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion for Declaratory Judgment. Its declaratory judgment complaint.