In Tennessee, the insurance company must offer you uninsured motorist coverage, and that coverage must be equal to your normal policy's bodily injury limits. Knowing how to handle a hit and run accident with an uninsured motorist can help you recover compensation later.Were you in an accident with a driver who doesn't have insurance? Click the link to find out what your options for compensation are. CALL TOLL-FREE (931) 962-1044. If the accident was minor and did not meet the requirements, then the driver can fill out a New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash form found on the state's website. Make sure you have sufficient coverage for both bodily injury to others, uninsured motorists and underinsured motorists. By default, Tennessee auto insurance policies include coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists. Do you have personal health insurance? Do you have Medical Payments coverage as a part of YOUR car insurance policy?