A Subrogation Letter should clearly state the facts of the case, including details of the incident (e.g. "Subrogation" refers to the act of one person or party standing in the place of another person or party.1. Identify and fill in your policy number accurately. The act of subrogation primarily occurs between your insurance company and that of another person's insurance company. A subrogated insurer may sue in the insurer's own name, or in the name of the insured for the use of the insurer. Fill out this form and we'll get back to you shortly. Subrogation is the right of an insurer to pursue the party that caused the loss to the insured in an attempt to recover funds paid in the claim. How to fill out the Waiver of Subrogation Instructions and Details? When it comes to insurance subrogation law and how best to resolve subrogation suits and claims, the devil is in the details. Application – A form your agent fills out with information about you that TWIA will use to determine whether you are eligible for a policy.