If an insurance company filed a subrogation claim for property damage against you, a skilled property damage attorney could can help you. The letter informs you of their right to seek reimbursement from your settlement, as well as what they paid you already and how much they seek to recover.A subrogation receipt transferring the insured's entire causes of action to the insurer allows the insurer to recover in the insured's name for the entire loss,. Cozen O'Connor is the world's leading subrogation and recovery law firm. We founded our subrogation and recovery practice in 1970. Subrogation and deductibles don't always mix very well when the insurance carrier is pursuing a thirdparty tortfeasor via subrogation. Subrogation is a legal doctrine that enables an insurance company to step into the shoes of its insured party (the policyholder) after settling a claim. You might hear the term "subrogation" when dealing with an insurance claim in Texas. Equitable subrogation thus lets the insurer "stand in the shoes" of its insured when pursuing claims against the wrongdoer. If you have an insurance claim, you may hear the term "subrogation.