These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for the sealing and expungement of court records. Fill out the Proof of Insurance Renewal form as completely as possible.Subconsultants shall be endorsed to name the Town as an additional insured using ISO form CG. 20 38 04 13 or an endorsement providing the exact same coverage. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit - Forms List. Please select the category below to expand and view general forms for those division. These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. If the form you are seeking is not in th is l is t, you may seek legal advice. If you believe you have a claim against the FDOT, you may submit your claim electronically through the Claims Management System. Bidders must fill out and sign the form titled "SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3)(A), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES. Hillsborough County enacted such an ordinance in 1991.