A waiver of subrogation means that an insurance company has a higher chance of paying out losses that it cannot recover itself. Discover expert guidance on post-judgment insurance subrogation in Florida.Our law firm specializes in maximizing recovery for clients. For questions regarding uninsured motorist subrogation claims or subrogation in general, contact Elizabeth Hernandez at (800) 6379176. Many insurance companies either do not allow subrogation waivers or require you to inform them first before you sign such an agreement. A waiver of subrogation is a provision that prohibits an insurer from pursuing a third party to recover damages for covered losses. Subrogation occurs when an insurance company goes after a third party for reimbursement of monies paid during a lawsuit as a result of an accident. Car insurance subrogation lets insurance companies recoup the cost of claims from the at-fault party. It can affect your deductible and auto insurance premiums.