Maximize your personal injury claim after a Massachusetts car accident with Bottaro Law Firm's expert guidance on subrogation complexities. It is the process that an auto insurance company uses to recover the money it paid for any claims where another party is responsible.Learn everything you need to know with this helpful Reimbursement and Subrogation Claims fact sheet from our experienced Boston lawyers. If you wish, you may use the City's claim form. If an insurance company filed a subrogation claim for property damage against you, a skilled property damage attorney could can help you. A medical lien is a demand for repayment from your injury case for any medical bills your health insurance company paid that were related to an injury lawsuit. Contact Us. Fill out the contact form or call us at (617) 494-1920 to schedule your free consultation. How do I challenge a subrogation claim? Massachusetts Subrogation Lawyers. Why do the largest insurers in the United States, Canada and the London Market trust us with their subrogation and recovery claims?