Please call the Fair Labor Division Hotline at 617-727-3465 if you need a wage complaint form in an accessible format other than filing online. If filing hostile work environment lawsuits, you must take care not to foster disobedience, reject legitimate work, or encourage other employees to do the same.We can walk you through the steps of first talking to your employer, and then properly responding if they don't work to protect you. There are a couple of steps an employee should take before filing their hostile work environment claim. In cases alleging a hostile work environment, one or more standards of liability will apply. Filing a complaint for legal protections against workplace discrimination in MA involves specific steps. You must file a complaint with the MCAD within 300 days of the discriminatory action. If you have experienced employment or education discrimination in Massachusetts and want to litigate the case, the first step is to file a complaint. Employers have a responsibility to prevent hostile or toxic workplaces. Employees can sue if their rights have been violated.