Its aim is to promote reflection on humanitarian law, policy and action in armed conflict and other situations of collective armed violence. Library of Congress Control Number: 2024931818.The Judgment is only declaratory without any attribution of a personal act of the appellant. Indeed, it was only an official act of the appellant which has been. The subject of this thesis is a comparison of the law, practice and procedure relating to divorce among Muslims and non-Muslims in. Malaysia. 1177 Declaratory Judgements 2nd Edition. Edwin. 1178. Jane Connors, B.A., LL.M. (Australian National University), is Lecturer in law at SOAS. – 75 – on the existing law as codified in the Bills of Rau Committee and the. In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praises are due to Him for his blessings in completing this project.