Have you been sued for subrogation? A complaint for subrogation is usually filed when an insurance company paid out money to its insured and nowInsurance companies can utilize this letter template to seek reimbursement from the person or entity legally responsible for a loss. One of the concerns victims have after receiving a subrogation claim is that the health insurance company's action may impact them. Subrogation allows an insurer to step into the shoes of the policyholder and file a claim against a third party who caused the damage. Our team of more than 100 attorneys represents the largest insurers and reinsurers in the United States, Canada, England, and other international venues. The Plaintiff, above named, complaining of Defendants, above named, alleges and says as follows: 1. • one copy of the complaint for each defendant named in the complaint. The FIRM shall also provide Professional Liability Insurance on a Florida approved form in the amount of. Need help finding a Medicare Advantage plan?