Certain people qualify to receive Michigan nofault benefits even if the accident they were in occurred in another state or Canada. Any driver involved in a car accident who does not have car insurance at the time of the crash will have his or her license suspended for up to 1 year.Accident Report Form SF91: Must be filled out for all accidents. See what rights a Florida resident has if he is hurt in a car accident in another state. How will DMV find out about a single car accident (with no injuries and no police report) if I don't report it to them? In Florida, your collision coverage is capped at your UM coverage level. Not logical, but it's the law. As soon as you do, one of our lawyers will reach out to you promptly. If you are in a car accident, there is a 1 in 5 chance that you may not be able to obtain full compensation from the at-fault driver for your injuries! You need an attorney.