A waiver of subrogation is a provision that prohibits an insurer from pursuing a third party to recover damages for covered losses. Under the ASR, an insured "has no right of subrogation against its own insured for a claim arising from the very risk for which the insured was covered.Subrogated insurers get a big win in Connecticut. A waiver of subrogation means that an insurance company has a higher chance of paying out losses that it cannot recover itself. The right of subrogation belongs to the insurance company, not the insured. Plaintiff argues the motion judge erred in concluding that subrogation does not exist as to PIPtohealth insurer reimbursement claims. It. When you waive your right of subrogation, your business (and your insurance company) are prevented from seeking a share of any damages paid. On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey,. American Insurance Company, Civil Action No. 20025211 (Middlesex Super. However, before a court can exercise that power there must exist an "actual controversy.