Subrogation is when your insurance company seeks reimbursement from your settlement. Subrogation refers to an insurance company's legal right to claim a portion of a policyholder's personal injury settlement as reimbursement.The subrogation process involves sending a claim, called a subrogation lien, to the at-fault party's insurance carrier. HMS – NV Casualty Unit. Subrogation claims come in all shapes and sizes. They may arise out of the negligent acts or omissions of non employers, like motor vehicle accidents. The subrogation process is the right of an insurance company to recover the amount it has paid on a claim from the at-fault party. In the past, the issue has turned on the question of damages. Sometimes, a Workers' Compensation claim is the result of a third party's wrongful behavior, not the employer's. You may have gotten an Accident Inquiry form in the mail.