Call us today or fill out our online form. Don't let insurance companies decide your fate.The basic idea behind Nevada's subrogation law is that accident victims cannot be paid twice for the same injury (e.g. 180 - Subrogation: Right of insurer and insured to recover from third party; lien against recovery; subrogation not basis for denial of payment of benefits 1. Generally, the subrogation process is the right of an insurance company to recover the amount it has paid on a claim from the at-fault party. The following process outlines details specific to the process for the DHCFP subrogation lead and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Importantly, the same statute provides that the injured employee is not entitled to a "double recovery" for the same injury. Insurance company may obtain reimbursement out of a third-party recovery. This action allows them to recover expenses paid out to you previously, straight out of your settlement value. 1969). If the insured assigns its entire cause of action to the insurer, only the insurer may recover from the responsible party, even if the insurance.