A waiver of subrogation means that a business and their insurance company is foregoing all rights to file suit, or seek damages, from another business. Most state workers' compensation laws, or cases construing them, allow the employer and its carrier to waive its right to subrogate against a third party.This file contains essential details regarding the Waiver of Subrogation endorsement. It provides crucial instructions for filling out the associated forms. The following links will assist you with filing Worker's Compensation forms. 020 Claim for compensation: Requirements for injured employee, dependent or representative to file claim; form. A workers' comp waiver of subrogation is a document that states that you are waiving your right for your insurer to seek compensation from a third party. Waiver of Subrogation. Liability and workers' compensation policies shall provide a waiver of subrogation against the Nevada System of Higher Education. Comprehensive coverage for workplace injuries.