Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms Moreover, for federal question jurisdiction to extend to a declaratory judgment action, the claim itself must present a federal question.To file the suit, eFile paperwork in MiFile and pay the appropriate filing fee. Filing fees are calculated based on the amount of the claim. On March 8, the City filed a substitution of attorneys and on March 15, another substitution, substituting in the firm of Altshuler Berzon LLP. The present action was instituted in the same court for a review of the prior judgment and for a declaratory judgment that the prior judgment was void. This is a type of lawsuit that seeks clarification of rights rather than money damages. Program with the Oakland Police Department in California. Tenants' replacement vouchers. (ER 79; First Amended Complaint).