A subrogation claim is when your insurance company demands reimbursement (out of the money you receive in a personal injury case) for expenses that it covered. Simply fill out the form below, and one of our experienced attorneys will give you real options for how best to move forward with your case.Subrogation refers to the act of one party taking over the legal rights of another party to seek damages through a lawsuit. Subrogation operates across various insurance contexts, allowing an insurer to pursue reimbursement from the party at fault in a claims settlement. Any advice on negotiating a subrogation claim to a lower amount? As a victim, you and your Orange County personal injury lawyer can negotiate subrogation to ensure you receive your fair share. What should I know about auto claims subrogation? The experts at AAA will help you throughout the auto insurance claims process, including subrogation. Subrogation letters mean your health insurer knows you had an accident.