And how do subrogation and insurance claims affect how much compensation you may end up receiving? The letter informs you of their right to seek reimbursement from your settlement, as well as what they paid you already and how much they seek to recover.A Subrogation Letter should clearly state the facts of the case, including details of the incident (e.g. Subrogation allows an insurer to step into the shoes of the policyholder and file a claim against a third party who caused the damage. Subrogation can affect the insured victim, but typically, it should not create additional burdens. The goal is to ensure the victim receives fair compensation. Subrogation is an arrangement between insurance companies to prevent insured parties from receiving double compensation. You are not under an obligation to pay based simply on the insurance company's claim letter. Research the rationale for their claim. Therefore, an insurance company should work with an insurance coverage attorney when it pursues subrogation.