If you file a personal injury lawsuit, we may be able to hold the uninsured driver who caused your crash personally liable for the damages you suffered. Pennsylvania uninsured motorist laws state that anyone who owns a motor vehicle must carry vehicle liability insurance.The car accident attorneys at Mickey Keenan, P.A., discuss how to handle an accident with an uninsured driver and the best practices for filing a claim. Regardless of whether or not the uninsured motorist is at fault or not, they will have to face legal penalties for not carrying the proper insurance policies. Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurance company about the accident immediately, even if the other driver is uninsured. Underinsured motorist claim comes into play if the atfault driver has insurance but has failed to take out enough of it to cover your losses. Pennsylvania stands out with its unique choice nofault system. This system provides drivers with two primary options: limited tort or full tort coverage. Pennsylvania's no-fault rules only apply to the personal injury side of an auto accident. Seek medical attention for any injuries you or others may have sustained in the accident.