Notify Your Insurance Company: Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the accident. To file a claim against the City for bodily injury, auto, and property damage, you must complete the General Claim Form.Involved in an accident with an uninsured vehicle in Philadelphia, PA? Know your rights and how to get the compensation you deserve. You need The Pearce Law Firm, a personal injury law firm with the experience to know how the insurance companies operate. Property Damage Liability: This covers damage to vehicles and other property you damage when at fault for an accident. You can sue the negligent driver for causing the accident, and a car accident lawsuit may get you the full compensation you need. If they do not have any car insurance, or do not have insurance that covers enough damage, then they can get fined. Car accidents without insurance in Pennsylvania can be complicated, especially when it comes to getting full compensation for injuries and damages. Many drivers do not carry any insurance.