Contact the Client Advocate if you have a complaint about an Unemployment Insurance related matter or the service you received. Claimants must show that they are unemployed through no fault of their own, that they are able and available to work, and that they are actively seeking work.Gov or fax it to (602) 532-5564. The best way to file a new claim for unemployment insurance is through our improved online filing system. This is only for new claims. INTRODUCTION. This booklet explains your rights and responsibilities regarding claims for unemployment insurance benefits but is not the law. The Arizona Employment Protection Act is an exception to "employment-at-will. " This law prevents an employer from firing an employee for certain reason. Unemployment Insurance matters, submit the Power of Attorney (IA 900) form. Information on job leads, job training, or help navigating unemployment benefits: call the Pima County One Stop at 520-724-7700.