A declaratory judgment is a legal tool that allows a court to make a statement or ruling on a legal issue or dispute without necessarily awarding damages. By itself, the remedy of the declaration is "only a final determination, adjudication, ruling or judgment from the court." Id. at 25-26. 1.1. State the monetary amount in controversy or place an "X" next to the discovery tier to which the pleadings allege the case would belong under Rule 26.2. Declaratory Judgment. You need to fill out a small claims complaint and then file it with the clerk's office. Potential causes of action that Pima County may bring as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the City. It might not seek any dollar damages, or for any court order directing anyone to do anything. Declaratory judgment action seeking to declare invalid a school board vote to terminate the plaintiff's contract. For money damages, not to suits for injunctive, declaratory, or other equitable relief.